A three sum problem is one in which sum of 3 numbers from a given inter array is zero.Find all pairs from the given array of n size along with the algorithm complexity.
1) Sort the array
2) Loop i from 1 to n.
3)Initialize j to i and k to n-1
4)while k>j:do
- sum = a[i]+a[j]+a[k]
- if sum greater than zero increment j
- else decrement k
Complexity :-O(n2)
For Eg:-
The source code for ThreeSum problem will be:-
For Eg:-
The source code for ThreeSum problem will be:-
package com.collection.collection_ex; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class ThreeSum { static Set<ArrayList<Integer>> l=new HashSet<ArrayList<Integer>>(); public static void main(String args[]) { int[] array = {2,7,6,-7,0,8,-3,-5,-1,7,-7,14}; System.out.println(threeSum(array)); System.out.println(threeSum(array).size()); } public static Set<ArrayList<Integer>> threeSum(int[] array) { if(array == null) return null; int n = array.length; if(n < 3) return null; Arrays.sort(array); int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { int j = i ; int k = n - 1; while(k >j) { count++; int sum = array[i] + array[j] + array[k]; if(sum == 0) { ArrayList<Integer> s = new ArrayList<Integer>(); s.add(array[i]); s.add(array[j]); s.add(array[k]); Collections.sort(s); l.add(s); } if(sum < 0) j++; else k--; } } return l; } } |